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  4. Modifying The Resource Navigator® Provider Signup Form
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  3. Modifying The Resource Navigator® Provider Signup Form
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  3. Modifying The Resource Navigator® Provider Signup Form

Modifying The Resource Navigator® Provider Signup Form

Similar to how The Resource Navigator® may be installed on any page on the SiteConnex™ website template, The Resource Navigator provider signup form can also be added and customized on any SiteConnex website template page.

By default, each Resource Navigator uses the Provider Signup (Default) form that is listed under SourceLink, All Partner Profile Forms.  In general, The Resource Navigator Provider Signup form works by rendering the Shortcode associated with this Provider Signup (Default) view when it is used on a page. Each Provider Signup form may be placed on one (or multiple) pages, and any edit to a given Provider Signup form will impact every place where that form Shortcode has been placed.

It is rare that you will ever need to modify the default Provider Update or Provider
Signup forms, or even have need to create new signup / update forms for SourceLink system. It is highly advised to not change these settings unless you fully understand how they work. Further, any change you make to the default Provider Signup form you need to also make to the Provider Update form, otherwise users will have a different experience when signing up to be a partner (Provider Signup) versus using the Magic Link to make edits to their profile (Provider Update).

Add a Provider Signup form to a page

  1. Click on SourceLink from the left hand menu
  2. Select All Partner Profile Forms from the sub-menu option
  3. Click on Provider Signup (Default) from the table
  4. Copy the Shortcode (e.g. partner_profile_form id=”xyz”)
  5. Edit the page you wish to place The Resource Navigator Provider Signup form
  6. Insert a Text Block, paste the Shortcode in the content area
  7. Save/Publish the page

Create a custom Provider Signup form

  1. Click on SourceLink from the left hand menu
  2. Select All Partner Profile Forms from the sub-menu option
  3. Click on the ‘Add Partner Profile Forms’ button at the top of the page
  4. Enter a Title for the Partner Signup form – please be descriptive
  5. Complete General Settings (review customization options)
  6. Complete the Email Settings (customization options)
  7. Complete the Form Settings (review customization options)
  8. Click Update from the top right*

*Please note that this will update all pages where the Shortcode has been placed.

Edit a Provider Signup form

  1. Click on SourceLink from the left hand menu
  2. Select All Partner Profile Forms from the sub-menu option
  3. Select the Provider Signup form you would like to edit (by default there is a Provider Update (Default) and Provider Signup (Default); these control the provider signup forms and magic link update forms that are shown to your partners when SourceLink does the initial setup of your system
  4. Complete General Settings (review customization options)
  5. Complete the Email Settings (customization options)
  6. Complete the Form Settings (review customization options)
  7. Click Update from the top right*

*Please note that this will update all pages where the Shortcode has been placed.

Customizing Provider Signup and Update Forms

Please modify these settings with caution. Most SourceLink users will never need to adjust or modify these settings following the initial SourceLink setup process.

General Settings

  • Form Type: Create is for Partner signup forms, Update is for the form shown when using the Magic Link. It’s likely that you will only ever be using the Create option.
  • Language: Do not change from the English default.
  • Not Logged In Redirect URL: Only enter a URL when the Form Type is set to Update. This will be the URL to redirect to if the user is not logged in. The most common use case would be if you have an instruction page on how the Magic Link works you’d like to point users to. If no url is provided, the form will not show on a page. SourceLink recommends using the default homepage in this field, if nothing else is available.
  • Use Default Update Form for Magic Link: When the magic link is validated this form will be displayed to the provider for making updates. SourceLink recommends leaving this to the default.
  • Note: This field is not shown to the public and used by our team and your colleagues to understand the purpose of the form. It is highly advised that you be very descriptive and even include the page URL of where this form will be used.
  • Header Code: Script to embed in the header of the profile page. Often used to modify design elements of the form itself. Some common examples:
Hide Resource Navigator Filter Field
.filter-5, .filter-6, .filter-7, .filter-8, .filter-9 {display:none!important}
Change Resource Navigator Colors
body {
	--primary: #FDBB5C;
	--primary-dark: #FDBB5C;
	--primary-light: #FDBB5C;
	--lightgray: #f2f2f2;
    --mediumgray: #ccc;
    --darkgray: #999;
  • Footer Code: Script to embed in the header of the profile page. Often used to modify design elements of the form itself.

Email Settings

  • Admin Emails: These emails will be notified upon form submission. Separate multiple emails with commas (,). Generally, this should be your [email protected] email address.
  • Reply To Emails: Email address to use when the applicant clicks “Reply” in their email client, generally this should be your [email protected] email address.
  • Send Receipt to Applicant?: If checked, the email address provided in the form will receive a copy of the information in their submission.
  • Admin Email Header Message: Text added to the top of the email that is sent to admins when a profile comes in or is updated.
  • Provider Email Header Message: Text added to the top of the email that is sent to admins when a profile comes in or is updated.

Form Settings

  • Show and Require Agreement Question?: Will show the agreement message and the checkbox to agree. This field is linked to the field labeled “Agreement Message” further down.
  • Filter Overview Message: Text shown before the filter selection area (e.g. where stages, types, industry, populations are shown).
  • Service Message: Text shown before the service selection area (e.g. where areas of assistance are shown).
  • Catch All Text Box Message: Text shown above the last text box – used to collect location exclusions or other messages from providers.
  • Agreement Message: Content that will show when the “Show and Require Agreement Question?” has been checked.
  • Post-Submission/Thank-You Message: This text will appear after the applicant clicks “Submit”.
  • Require Address, Require Email, Require Phone, Show Website Field, Require Website, Show Fax field are all self explanatory.
  • Organization Name 2 field: This is an optional secondary name. SourceLink recommends not turning this on unless you’ve been advised to do for a specific use case.
  • Disable Specialty: This will turn off all specialty selections on the create or update form. Please note that this rule will not apply to the opportunity population selections, those are always set to be all supported and some specialize.
  • Maximum Supported / Specialty Filters: This enacts a rule on how many selections may be made across all the Resource Navigator filter categories (e.g. stage, industry, populations served, etc). It is not possible to limit the selections on any one individual filter. When this is used, you must update the Filter Overview Message field above, so that the user is aware a limit will be in place.
  • Maximum Supported / Specialty Services: This enacts a rule on how many selections may be made across all the Resource Navigator service categories (e.g. accelerators and incubators, busines planning, buying or selling a business, economic and site development, etc). It is not possible to limit the selections on any one individual service offering category. When this is used, you must update the Service Overview Message field above, so that the user is aware a limit will be in place.
  • SourceLink Pro Tag ID: You may add a SourceLink Pro Tag ID in this field to default tags to be applied when new profiles come in or are updated. Please note that this is the Tag ID, not the name of the Tag itself.
Updated on March 9, 2023
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