Email Setup

Check that email is setup correctly on a SourceLink SiteConnex website:

  1. In the backend of the WordPress site, go to WP Mail SMTP
  2. On the WP Mail SMTP settings page, verify the following:
    • From Email is valid, ex: [email protected] for KCSourceLink
    • From Name is valid, ex: KCSourceLink of KCSourceLink
    • Verify Mailer is SendGrid
    • Verify there is a value in the SendGrid API Key box
    • Verify the Sending Domain textbox is empty or matches the domain of the current site, ex: for KCSourceLink
  3. Once everything is verified, click the Email Test tab
    • Enter your email address in the Send To textbox and click Send Email
  4. If you receive a success message and do not receive any errors or warnings, you are all set!

Check the email addresses the event submissions are currently sent to:

  1. In the backend of the WordPress site, go to Events –> Settings
  2. Click the Community tab
  3. Scroll to Email addresses to be notified
  4. Verify the list of email addresses and make sure each email address is on a separate line without characters separating them, for example a comma or semicolon

Check the email address Resource Partner profiles are currently sent to:

  1. In the backend of the WordPress site, go to SourceLink –> All Partner Profile Forms
  2. Click on the form you would like to check
  3. Verify the email address(s) in the Admin Emails and the email address in the Reply to Email is correct
  4. Note: the Admin Emails can accept multiple email addresses separated by a comma. The Reply to Email should contain a single Email Address
Updated on March 10, 2023
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