Entrepreneurs can connect directly with resource partners from The Resource Navigator®. By clicking “Connect Me with This Organization” button on each profile page, a referral e-mail is generated and sent to the Resource Partner’s Referral Contact (RC). Since the referral is online, new software was built so the referral is also sent to SourceLink℠, where the new referral will be entered as a measurable client. All of this will happen automatically for those who use SourceLink, The Resource Navigator, and WordPress.
Note: Some WordPress websites show the Resource Partner contact email address. Now that the Contact Organization feature is available, we recommend hiding the email address. Below is how this can be accomplished:
Login to WordPress
Select ‘SourceLink’ from left menu
Click on Resource Views
Edit the desired Resource View, most will be Default Resource Navigator (Full)
Check ‘Hide Partner’s Email Address’ option
Save Resource Navigator view (at very top right, click Update button)
Check update on front end Resource Navigator
“Connect Me with This Organization” button opens to an email form sent to a Resource Partner and uploaded to SourceLink. It can be viewed in your Pending Tasks.
The Entrepreneur and Resource Partner will receive an email message like this sample:
The SourceLink affiliate with the associated Resource Navigator will receive the following email notification:
In addition to “Connect Me With This Organization” feature, the “Suggest an Edit” link at the bottom of the profile allows website visitors to report out-of-date information about a Resource Partner.
The “Send Yourself a Magic Link” feature allows Resource Partners to change their profiles.
“Suggest an Edit” link opens to email form sent to your info@ or catchall email address:
Affiliates will need to contact [email protected] to add an administrative email address.
Client intake in SourceLink
Notifications will be available in your Pending Tasks accessed from the left navigation bar. By accepting this notification, a new client record will be created and/or a referral and interaction will be added to an existing client record.
Select View or Reject.
Select Reject or View Potential Duplicates.
Review Person/Company client list. Click client name if it’s a duplicate, compare data and select Accept, or pick Not a Duplicate- Create Client.