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  3. BA420 Filters, Tags and Reports
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  3. BA420 Filters, Tags and Reports

BA420 Filters, Tags and Reports

A new Tag has been added to SourceLInk℠ Enterprise to identify all clients receiving Goldman PPP. You can use this help doc to see how to filter other tags on the BA420 Center Impact Report. See help doc “Tags” for more information on setting up and managing tags. 

Note: The ONLY tag that will be calculated in the BA420 is a Client Tag. Interaction, Event and Snapshot tags will not be included in the BA420. Other Client tags, such as the MBDA tag will work the same way as the Goldman PPP tag. 

To add a Tag to a client record:

1. Select or create a client who is receiving Goldman PPP or the tag needed.

2. On the main client record page, find the Client Tags field on the right side.

3. Start typing Goldman PPP (or other tag) and it will fill in. Click Save Client.

Note: If required fields (red bars) are not completed, the Client tag cannot be saved

Required fields must be completed

A Client Tag filter has been added to the BA420 – Center Impact Report. Now you can filter selected Client tags.

Select filters

To pull the BA420 report for ALL clients, select, “Do Not Filter On Tag.” This results in the report behaving exactly as it always has, with no filter applied.

To pull the BA420 report for TAGGED clients ONLY, select tags from your existing tag list. All data on the report will ensure the client has the appropriate client tags that are selected.

Please note, if both “Do Not Filter On Tag” and other client tags are checked, it will act as if only “Do Not Filter On Tag” is checked.

As an example, use the EX610 Extraction of Company Information report to see if Goldman PPP clients have been properly tagged. 

1. Go to Reports>Scout Reports

Scout Reports

2. Select EX610 Extraction of Company Information report from drop down menu in Type of Report:

EX 610 Extraction of Company Information Report

3. Scroll down to Client Data. Open drop down menu and check mark Client Tag.

Select Client Tag filter

4. Scroll to the right column and check mark Goldman PPP or other Client tag(s).

Select Client Tag

5. Click Run Report

6. Save report as Excel spreadsheet in your hard drive.

Save as Excel file
Updated on March 30, 2023
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